This approach has a great advantage: If you run out of time, you can still deliver a partial system with the most important capabilities up and running. 这种方法有很大的优点:如果你的进度落后了时间计划,你仍然可以交付可运行的具有最重要能力的部分系统。
You can run a preview at any time without any impact to the system. 您可以在任何时候运行预览,这不会对系统造成影响。
One important element to take into consideration when loading precompiled style sheets at run time is the load that you're putting on the user's system as a result. 在运行时加载预先编译的样式表时,需要考虑的很重要一点是由此给用户系统带来的负荷。
During run time, the health management component will automatically monitor the system for the conditions you have defined and take the necessary actions when required. 在运行时期间,健康管理组件将根据您定义的条件自动监视系统并在需要时采取必要的动作。
The central reservation system ( 3.2) needs to locate the partner services at run time during online transactions for the system to match patient needs with available providers. 中央预约系统(3.2)需要在运行时在线事务期间查找合作伙伴服务,以便系统查找满足患者需求的可用提供者。
Resources can be defined once, then used at run time by a system consisting of a mixture of JMS and XMS applications. 一旦资源得到定义,一个由JMS和XMS应用程序混合而成的系统就能够在运行时使用这些资源。
Finally, and in the most extreme case, the development integration run time and system test environments can be combined. 最后,在最极端的情况下,开发集成运行时环境和系统测试环境可以组合在一起。
The main requirement is that your build time tools take into account the run time state of the system and don't arbitrarily reset it. 主要要求在于,您的构建时工具要考虑到系统的运行时状态并且不任意地重置该状态。
In the JavaScript language, a constructor function initializes the underlying Object provided by the run time system, and this Object is returned to the caller of the constructor. 在JavaScript语言中,构造函数实例化由运行时系统提供的底层的Object,这个Object返回给构造函数的调用者。
This is especially true if you have run time bugs in your production system. 当您的生产系统中有运行时错误时,情况尤其是如此。
Used internally at run time by the configuration system to get or set a specified adapter name. 由配置系统在运行时在内部使用以获取或设置指定的适配器名称。
The appointment system has run a long time in our country university, but the real system has not established owing to the effect of the tradition of history, culture of society and defect of system. 我国实行教师聘任制由来已久,但是受历史传统、社会文化和轨制缺点等各种因素影响,真正意义上的“能上能下、能入能出”的教师聘任制并没有树立起来。
Typically most environments consist of a flat namespace, so in reality you still run into namespace collisions all the time, the CommonJS module system is great at preventing this. 最典型的,大多数环境都包含一个扁平的名字空间,所以在现实中你仍然要随时处理名字空间的冲突,而CommonJS的模块系统就很好地避免了冲突。
All books must use the file system to save data to prepare for the next run time system. 所有图书数据都要利用文件系统保存,以备系统下次运行时使用。
It has run a long time, and the system shows high stability and security. 经过长期运行实践证明,该系统能实时判断现场设备的运行状态,具有较高的可靠性与稳定性。
On the other hand, complex multi-task program should run with real time operation system pSOS to ensure the synchronization of tasks and the real time feature. 而复杂的多任务程序则可在内嵌的pSOS实时操作系统中运行,以保证其任务同步和实时。
A fault tolerant run time system was developed for cluster-oriented message passing interface ( MPI) parallel applications to guarantee system reliability and availability in high performance clusters. 为了保证大规模集群系统的可靠性和可用性,设计并实现了一个面向集群消息传递并行程序的容错系统。
The system has an integrated database to store system definition information and corresponding data during the run time of the system. 本系统有一个集中式数据库来存放系统定义信息和系统运行期的相应数据。
In order to realize the connecting with other parts, the paper designs the interfaces of system, including the interface to Edit System, the interface to Run System, the interface to Real~ Time Database and the interface to Graph System. 命令语言系统还需要与组态软件其他部分连接,因此文中设计了命令语言系统与组态软件编辑系统、运行系统的接口,及其与实时数据库和组态图形系统的连接方法。
Workflow configuration tool of the build time, process management tool of the run time and message service tool are the important modules of workflow management system. 流程管理系统主要由创建期的流程配置工具、运行期的流程调度管理工具和消息服务工具组成。
To make the power equipment run safely and economically, it is necessary to establish an open real time supervisory system, and all the information on site can be collected and transferred to MIS, which makes the monitoring scientific. 为保证电力设备安全经济运行,建立开放的现场数据采集、分析和组态的实时监控系统,并将其传送至管理信息系统(MIS),可获得生产现场的信息,使得设备检修科学化。
Research on the Run Time Support System Technology for Parallel Computing 并行计算的运行支撑系统技术的研究
A Run Time Reconfigurable Coprocessor Research in Data Processing System of Space Solar Telescope 空间太阳望远镜星载数据处理系统中的动态可重构协处理器研究
Java Run-Time System and Java Virtual Machine Java运行系统与Java虚拟机
Finally this paper provided specific function implementation in the case of logistics tracking system, simulated the mutual authentication model by model error rate and single run time index. The simulation result proved that this model ensured system security and communication efficiency. 最后以物流跟踪应用为例给予具体的功能实现,并从模型误码率和单次运行时间这两个指标对双向认证模型进行了仿真,在提高安全性的同时,保证了系统的通信效率。
In the industry application, SCM control system must reliable and stable run in the long time, otherwise, system will worse. 在工业应用中,单片机测控系统,必须长期稳定、可靠运行,否则将导致控制误差加大,严重时会使系统失灵,甚至造成巨大损失。
The results show that the optimized scheduling algorithm can reduce the average wait time, average run time, average slowdown and increase the system utilization. Therefore, the optimized scheduling algorithm has some reference value and prospects for practical application. 实验结果表明,该调度算法比优化前的调度算法在总体上减小了作业的平均等待时间,平均运行时间,平均slowdown和提高了资源的使用率,具有一定的参考价值与实际应用前景。
First of all, run time of the emergency system and reply time section is uncertain, which differs from other system that has a certain operation period. 首先,应急系统的运行时间点和时间段是不确定的,不像其他系统有一定的运行周期。